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How to set up Google Ads conversion tracking for your WooCommerce store (The easy way)



You're spending on ads, but do you really know which ones are making you money? You won’t have the answer until you start tracking conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

WooCommerce conversion tracking means tracking all your user actions that are valuable to your business. Purchase or the add-to-cart event is the conversion most marketers want to track, as they are the valuable stages in providing profitability to the business. Conversion tracking in your WooCommerce store gives the complete picture of your customer journey, helping you understand what’s working on your online store and what needs more attention. It helps you keep track of your best-performing products while also allowing you to see what’s stopping customers from completing a purchase.
The data you can track with WooCommerce conversion tracking mostly depends on the plugin you use. But the best plugin should help you track any data you want including synthetic events.
Server-side conversion tracking is better due to ad blockers blocking away the third-party cookies.

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