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Improve Attribution with 1P Domain Tracking in Meta and Google Ads



Everyone knows third-party cookies can no longer be used for retargeting users. They're dead.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1P domain tracking is a server-side tracking feature that collects the user data using a lifetime cookie to store the data beyond 7 days. The tracking is done by the same domain that hosts the website instead of another third-party domain. For example, is tracked using the domain or and not
A first-party domain or 1P domain is the same domain where the website that the user visits is hosted. It matches exactly with the domain name, but can also be a sub domain. For example, is a domain, and the sub-domains,, come under first-party domains. will be a third-party domain.
With 1P domain tracking, the first-party cookie is set from the same domain (server-side). Even in browsers like Safari, where the cookie is automatically deleted, you can still identify the user and unify their data beyond 7 days. The 1P cookie is almost a lifetime cookie, helping you attribute conversions accurately

CEO of CustomerLabs, Building next-generation tools for Digital Marketers. Moving ahead into the future of marketing, he realizes first-party data ops is necessary and is building technology to help marketers to make the experience with first-party data ops seamless! Being a founder and business leader, Vishnu talks about #cdp, #martech, #firstpartydata, #firstpartydataops, and #customerdataplatform

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