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Shopify Latest Consent Update



Recently you might have noticed the discrepancy between Shopify data and GA4 data. The difference is because of a major change in the Shopify tracking. This silent update by Shopify in the middle of the peak festive season, in November 2023, confused marketers. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

For now, the Shopify update affects businesses where the users lands on the website from EEA and UK regions only. However, in future, it is expected that this feature might be launched across the globe.
According to Shopify, if the business turns on the data collected before consent, then GA4 will be able to collect the data before consent. The default option now is collect after consent. So, you will have to change that to collected before consent.
Yes, if the collected after consent is chosen, Shopify analytics does not track the user data of those in the EEA and UK, before they give the consent.

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