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Top Google Tag Manager Alternatives



Tags have come a long way since their inception and today, it holds a crucial position in terms of firing activities that will lead to many background processing which will do complicated tasks such as tracking, live chat etc. And the best part of it is, in most cases, one doesn’t even need to write code as the tag managers will encapsulate them behind the scene thus providing the client with a clean, user-friendly dashboard from where they can control everything.

This is a list of such tag managers which have propelled the web as we know today. Among them, Google Tag Manager (GTM) is one of the most popular ones but the list doesn’t end there. There are many alternatives which may suit your need better than GTM and that too at a lower price. With respect to all these matrices to compare, here are the top 10 alternatives of GTM (from bottom to top):

Google Tag Manager Alternative #1: CustomerLab’s Action Recorder:

Due to the simplicity yet effectiveness that it brings, CustomerLab’s Action recorder comes to the first position in the list. With the help of no coding tag manager, you can just click to track any area of your site for activities.

How to install:  The main core of implementing Action Recorder is that, you don’t need to be a developer to integrate it. You just need to add the script and your setup will be finished. Next, you will have to click an area which you want to track and you will get the feed of behaviour or reaction of the customers based upon which, you can alter the marketing strategies.

Without the hassle of writing code, via Action Recorder, you can track form submission, button clicks, page views. This gives you an enormous opportunity as now you can put your concentration to the product side rather than working on the background.

Being independent of the developers will also enable you to think out of the box. As you will use it, you will get more familiar with the interface and thus, you can create many complicated tags which will go deep into consumer behaviour in the site.  

Google Tag Manager Alternative #2:IBM DDX:

It is a part of IBM Digital Analytical suite where Digital Data Exchange along with the IBM WebSphere creates the perfect ecosystem for keeping tracks on various activities in the site.

How IBM DDX works?

The behaviour of a customer could be collected via WebSphere commerce analytics tags. These data are then sent to IBM Digital Data Exchange. After receiving this data, DDX will send them to its bigger part, IBM Digital Analytics tool, IBM TeaLeaf and other such analytics frameworks where they will be processed.  

How to install?

Before starting with DDX, one needs to integrate the store with IBM Digital Analytics as it is one of the core components.

After integration, open up the biConfig.xml file for editing. This will be required in order to enable the site to use DDX.

Update the <bitprovider> tag, update the attribute to use DDX.

You will also update the output configuration such as client id, data collection method, analytics provider site, WebSphere commerce server etc. according to the information that you have.

Save and close the file.

Thus, you have enabled the Digital Data Exchange.

Google Tag Manager Alternative #3: Piwik Pro:

Piwik pro comes with deploying the setup in own infrastructure or in cloud hosted by them. With additional security and enhanced privacy, this user-friendly tag manager enables even a novice user to use tags efficiently. The advantage of Piwik Pro is that:

  • Deploying and management are very easy and user-friendly.
  • Excluding the inbuilt tags, you can also use customized tags.
  • Proper testing can be done before deploying.

How to install:

Upon registering at Piwik pro, you will get a code that you will have to implement in your site in order to integrate it.

You will copy those codes and paste them preferably just under the <body> tag if it is asynchronous tag and under <head> if it is an asynchronous tag.

Google Tag Manager Alternative #4: TagCommander:

The shine of tagCommander rises through the management of its life cycle which goes beyond a notch of the standards of tag management thus by giving it extra benefits. This management of this whole life cycle of selecting->editing->applying rules->generating->testing->deploying with proper optimisation gives you a robust tool which you can use to drive many common activities on your site, not to mention you will have 800+ solutions for digital marketing at your disposal via tagCommander.

How to install: Installing TagCommander varies slightly depending upon the goal that you want to achieve but the underline principle remains the same. For example, using TagCommander for Facebook pixel goes through the following steps:

  • In the TagCommander, click Add Container and give it a name.
  • Next, you will have to choose the language that you want to support.
  • If you want synchronisation, then you can configure it in the next step.
  • Click Add Tags in the next page and select Facebook.
  • Then select Facebook – Custom Audience (BUILDER)
  • Upon clicking Add tags, you will be greeted with a drop down from where select Facebook Pixel.
  • Enter Facebook ID and click save.

Thus you have successfully setup TagCommander to setup Facebook pixel.

Google Tag Manager Alternative #5: Ensighten:

Ensighten is an enterprise tag management solution with security and privacy as its first concern. If you have sensitive data to deal with, then more or less, you will tend to require an enterprise level tag management where it will value the importance of “ownership.” With its redundant data centres and on-demand deployment method, and great flexibility to adjust complex tags, Ensighten is certainly a tool that one will require one point or another.

How to install: To install Ensighten, the easiest method will be to install with cocoapods. Cocoapods is a framework that is built with Ruby and is installable in macOS with the default ruby.  

First, you will need to update the cocoapod repo via pod repo update.

Then Add Ensighten to your pod file with the command pod ‘Ensighten.’

Open the terminal and run the following: pod install.

Thus, you successfully installed Ensighten from where you can build complicated tags.

Google Tag Manager Alternative #6: Qubit pro:  

The basis of Qubit pro is personalization and segmentation via the implementation of the A/B testing. It contains a tag management Opentag which aids the process of integrating Qubit pro to any site to validate visitor behaviour.

How to install:

After registration, login to the Opentag account.

Add a container by clicking create container.

The code that needs to be embedded will be shown which you will have to copy and then paste in the pages that you want to integrate.

Google Tag Manager Alternative #7: Signal:

Signal is tagless tag management system. It mainly works via the implementation of server directs.  The benefit of these server directs is that the necessary data can be transmitted from the website to the vendors without placing any unnecessary load into the client’s browser thus speeding up the process also. Cutting out unnecessary codes mean the client’s browser will less likely to hang even in a complicated process as it doesn’t have to take the burden of it.

Google Tag Manager Alternative #8: Tealium:

One of the industry’s largest integration ecosystem, Tealium Tag management is based on Unified Customer Data Sources where it unites all the marketing technologies in one entity and will standardize the data at the source. With such vast functionality, it is amazing how easy it is to install.

How to install Tealium:

Open an iQ Tag Management account which is required to work with Tealium.

Each customer has his own Tealium Collect Tag for data collection which will create a channel via utag.js

Various matrices will start to appear on your dashboard.

Google Tag Manager Alternative #9:Adobe Dynamic Tag manager: 

Adobe Dynamic Tag manager is the next-generation tag management where it can quickly and very easily bring all the market technologies in one place.

How It Works? The extensions play a key role in Adobe Launch. With integration with these extensions, deploying of web products take place followed by managing and sharing data between marketing and advertising product.

How to install? Setting up launch by Adobe is fairly straightforward.

Log in to your account and set an environment with a name.

Click create.

Select the adapter that is relevant to your task.

You will get the snippet of the code that you will need to integrate into your page.

You can further set up the adapters, extensions and other features depending upon your requirement.

CEO of CustomerLabs, Building next-generation tools for Digital Marketers. Moving ahead into the future of marketing, he realizes first-party data ops is necessary and is building technology to help marketers to make the experience with first-party data ops seamless! Being a founder and business leader, Vishnu talks about #cdp, #martech, #firstpartydata, #firstpartydataops, and #customerdataplatform

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