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What is FB Click ID and why it is important to improve ad performance



Marketers are now going through a rough patch as the privacy rules are closing in and consequently facing a major drop in ad campaign performance. Meta recommends improving the Event Match Quality (EMQ) to see better ad campaign performance. To increase the EMQ score all you need to do is send specific parameters to Meta. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To improve the performance of the advertising campaign, Meta advises aiming for a higher EMQ score. But, if you are sending click IDs and external IDs to the majority of people, you don't need to worry about it. For deterministic matching, Meta uses an external ID.
If your EMQ score is low due to a lower percentage of Facebook or Facebook Click ID, you shouldn't be concerned. Since fbc is only visible to individuals that arrive at your website through Meta Ads. It's acceptable to have a higher percentage of Facebook Ads for your events if you determine that the primary reason for the decreased traffic is because of them.
Facebook click ID and email address have a high priority as they aid Meta in matching the users with their event. Other parameters matter too, but are of medium and low priority.
Synchronizing first-party customer data with all of these parameters using Conversions API and Meta Pixel is the most effective way to increase your EMQ score. This helps Meta in correctly matching the events and makes your EMQ score improve.
Your EMQ is graded by comparing its event match quality score (out of 10) to that of other advertisers in your area that are comparable to you. For instance, similar advertisers with similar events have a higher than 5 EMQ score, and if you have 5 as the EMQ score, you might be getting OK.
External ID is used to identify the users by Meta. It is of medium priority for Meta to match and measure the EMQ score.
Indeed. To assist Meta in identifying the events involving the users in its accounts center, an understanding of EMQ is necessary. Improved event matching makes it easier to link your advertisements to conversions. And, it assists in targeting the individuals who are most likely to convert and train the ad algorithms with pertinent, high-quality data, which can lead to improved ad performance and decreased cost per action.

Marketing enthusiast who enjoys writing articles on a wide range of topics including Marketing, SaaS, Technology, Construction, Life lessons, Public Policy Nature, and Sustainability. Good at Public Policy analysis with a deeper understanding of societal issues and potential solutions. Also loves to volunteer & contribute to society in every possible way.

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