Customerlabs CDP Documentation
Account Console
CustomerLabs accounts console manages accounts and their users. This serves as an Agency Management System and Account Management System for Agency plan subscribers and non-Agency plan subscribers respectively.
Within the application, returning users who login via CustomerLabs website will be directed to their default landing page, the Account Console Page.
- Click ‘Login’ on the Customerlabs website.

- The Account Console Page is displayed with the following Menus,

- Accounts owned can be searched using the ‘Search Accounts’ dropdown
- A new account can be created using the ‘ + Add Account’ button.
Critical Account Alerts
- The accounts that needs an action to be performed by the user will be displayed in this section.Following warnings will be displayed.

- Click on ‘Upgrade Plan/Subscribe’ to continue using CustomerLabs.
Individual Accounts
- Individually owned accounts will be displayed in this section. The accounts can be
- Trial Account
- Growth Account
- Individual accounts linked to Agency Lite
- Individual accounts linked to Agency Premium
- A user can be added and user permissions can be granted to the account easily using the ‘+ Add User’. Know more about user role and user permissions
- With ‘
’ Menu, the individual account can be linked to an agency account using the Agency API token and access Settings.
Agency Accounts
- Agency accounts with it’s linked sub-accounts will be displayed. The Accounts can be,
- Agency Lite
- Agency Premium
- A user can be added and user permissions can be granted to the agency account using the ‘+ Add Agency User’. Know more about user role and user permissions
- Click on ‘Settings icon’ to access Agency Settings.
- Click on the ‘Expand icon’ to view the details of accounts linked with the Agency account. Refer the image given below.
If you are facing any difficulties, you can reach out to us.